Your needs. Our drive.
Your needs. Our drive.
Osobnim podacima smatraju se vaši identifikacijski podaci koji inače nisu javno dostupni - ime i prezime, e-mail adresa, kućna adresa, broj telefona, podaci o datumu, godini i mjestu rođenja, obrazovanju i dosadašnjem radu i ostali podaci potrebni za prijavu na natječaj za zapošljavanje. AD Plastik Grupa obvezuje se kako će vaše osobne podatke koristiti isključivo u identifikacijske svrhe i razmatranje prijave za zapošljavanje. Čuvat će ih u tajnosti, neće ih distribuirati, objavljivati niti ih na bilo koji drugi način učiniti dostupnima bilo kojoj trećoj osobi bez vaše prethodne suglasnosti. Obilježavanjem označenog polja, dajete punovažan pristanak da se vaši prikupljeni podaci mogu obrađivati u svrhu selekcije i regrutacije za otvorena radna mjesta te čuvanje u bazi podataka AD Plastik Grupe u trajanju od 12 mjeseci. Ovaj pristanak u svakom trenutku možete opozvati u pismenoj formi putem maila nakon čega će svaka daljnja obrada vaših osobnih podataka biti obustavljena.
As of today AD Plastik has been officially included in the Prime Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. The agreement was signed by Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik and Ivana Gažić, President of the Management Board of the Zagreb Stock Exchange.
On this occasion, Marinko Došen said: „It is an extraordinary honor to be among the first companies listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange’s Prime Market. AD Plastik has been achieving very good business results and in the last few years we have made great efforts in order to achieve the desired progress in reporting and informing the investment public. Our primary goal is to reach a high level of transparency of communication with shareholders, as well as with other company’s stakeholders, for the purpose of timely and accurate informing about all key company activities and results arising from them. Our work and progress have been recognized by experts and the general public, as evidenced by numerous acknowledgements and awards we have been receiving. This is a great incentive, but also a responsibility for the future. By moving to the prestigious, but very demanding Prime Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, we would like to contribute to enhancing transparency and corporate governance as well as developing the overall capital market in Croatia through our example.”
Congratulating AD Plastik, Ivana Gažić pointed out: „We are extremely pleased to see AD Plastik in the Prime Market, the most demanding market segment of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, on which companies with the highest level of transparency and corporate governance are listed. AD Plastik is among the first companies that decided to join this prestigious market segment and we are pleased to continue to work together on raising the level of transparency, thus providing a positive example for the entire market. “
Just before Christmas holidays AD Plastik has donated twenty desktop computers to the City of Solin for the needs of associations, institutions and facilities. Thus donated computers were given to elementary schools don Lovre Katić, Vjekoslav Parać, Kraljica Jelena and Kralj Zvonimir, kindergarten Cvrčak, City Library Solin, Cultural Center Zvonimir, association Solinski bubamarci, KUD Salona, mountaineering association Sveti Jure and Gradska glazba Zvonimir.
While thanking AD Plastik for donation, Solin mayor Dalibor Ninčević said that this donation is an example of good cooperation between Solin entrepreneurs and the City of Solin. „In addition to the fact that we organize a reception for families of fallen soldiers, the City of Solin also organizes reception for local entrepreneurs and businessmen which we have named Entrepreneurial Synergy. The very name of that reception and gathering says it all,“ pointed out mayor Ninčević on that occasion.
President of the Management Board Marinko Došen and member of the Management Board of AD Plastik Mladen Peroš attended the computer donation. „I believe that this donation will help our fellow citizens in further work and AD Plastik wants to help the development of the community, above all the children who always need help,“ said Marinko Došen on that occasion.
Regular students visits to Solin production site speak well for successful collaboration between AD Plastik and the scientific community, but above all they speak well for interesting features of the industry. Apart from regular visits of students from Faculty of chemistry and technology and Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture from Split, this time we were visited by students from Faculty of technology from Tuzla. Their interest in AD Plastik shows that there won’t be lack of staff in Solin factory in the future.
The conference „Capital market awakening“ was held in Zagreb organized by Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and Hanza media and it brought together a large number of prominent figures and experts from the field of politics and economy.
Along with the President of the Governing Council of Hanfa Ante Žigman and Gojko Drljača, Hanza Media’s representative as hosts, the Agriculture Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Tomislav Tolušić as well as Finance Minister Zdravko Marić made an introductory speech, after which the presentation by the senior economist of the European Investment Bank, Laurent Marin, was held. The European capital market continues to recover but it is still unable to provide the necessary support to the corporate economy, estimated laurent Marin in his speech to the conference participants.
Governor of the Croatian National Bank Boris Vujčić, President of the Governing Council of Hanfa Ante Žigman, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of Podravka Marin Pucar, investor Nenad Bakić and the professor at the Faculty of Economics Danijela Miloš Sprčić took part in the following panel discussion.
President of the Governing Council of Hanfa Ante Žigman warned that ten hard years remain behind the domestic capital market. Along with the crisis that had lasted long and had great consequences, there is still Agrokor as the latest very heavy burden to the capital market. Žigman is convinced that the new Capital Market Act will restore the confidence of small investors in the capital market.
Participating in the interesting panel discussion, President of AD Plastik Group’s Management Board Marinko Došen emphasized that the capital interest does not sufficiently follow growth of companies, thus the growth of the AD Plastik Group. „We can list various indicators, statistics and draw conclusions why investors’ interest for companies that are doing well is weak. The key answer to why is that so lies in the general level of confidence in the capital market and the insufficient growth of the economy and industrial production,“ said the President of the Management Board of the AD Plastik Group.
This conference was an opportunity to talk about the perspective of the Croatian capital market, considering ten years during which it had not succeeded in waking up and that began already with the financial crisis, continued with the recession and with the impact of other unfavorable factors.
As part of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Awards, the Building Public Trust Award of the auditing company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) was awarded for the first time this year, with the aim of recognizing and rewarding companies that stand out through clarity and transparency. Through the selection process, AD Plastik has been selected as the best according to the criteria of this well-known auditing company.
Thanking for the award, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Marinko Došen said he was extremely pleased to receive the award that confirms that the efforts, work and improvements that were made have been recognized by the expert public.
„Over the last few years we have invested really great efforts and achieved remarkable progress in reporting and informing the investment public about the business of AD Plastik Group. Our primary objective is to provide transparent communication to shareholders and other stakeholders in order for them to be timely and accurately acquainted with key company activities and results arising from these activities. We want to ensure a transparent, stable and responsible business for all our shareholders. This award is a confirmation for us, but also an additional motive to continue to develop in that direction,” said Marinko Došen.
With the aim of strengthening the recognition of the capital market and its active participants among the financial and general public, the Zagreb Stock Exchange established the Zagreb Stock Exchange Awards in 2012, which are traditionally awarded each year in mid-December.
At the solemn session of the Economy Council of the Chamber of Economy of County Chamber of Split, in the presence of numerous businessmen, representatives of local and regional authorities, as well as economic and other institutions, AD Plastik was awarded a plaque Golden Marten in the category of large companies. Apart from AD Plastik, companies Tommy and Bobis also made to the final selection of this category. Thus, according to strictly prescribed criteria pursuant to which the Croatian Chamber of Economy assesses the success of the business, AD Plastik is the most successful large county company in 2017.
Thanking for the given acknowledgement, Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board, said that the growth of the company was achieved primarily thanks to its almost three thousand employees. “By doing business in the demanding world market and considering the industry we belong to, we are often asked whether we will change our company’s headquarters. Our answer is always the same – AD Plastik was founded in Solin and its headquarters will remain there,” said Marinko Došen.
The Golden Marten Award is the highest acknowledgment of the Croatian Chamber of Economy awarded to the best companies for the business success at the county level.
Because of our beliefs, we have signed Diversity Charter, accepting in such a manner its principles and becoming part of the EU initiative that promotes diversity. All our employees and those who want to become ones should have equal opportunities.
In order to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and equal opportunities within the company, we have conducted a campaign in all our production sites. In such a manner we contribute to the development of the potential of all our employees regardless of their individual differences, creating a comfortable working evironment.