
Management Board

We are presenting the leaders of the company who ensure value added to all AD Plastik Group stakeholders with their knowledge and excellence in management and focus on quality and results.

Marinko Došen

Marinko Došen

President of the Management Board

He was born in Rijeka where he graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and obtained the title of mag. ing. mech. He completed an MBA programme at the Zagreb School of Business, orientation Petroleum and during his career, he has attended several additional seminars and professional training courses in the country and abroad.
He began his career at the Croatian petrochemical industry as an intern, and from 1997 to 2004 he performed multiple managerial and executive functions, including the post of the President of the Management Board of DINA d.d. Afterwards, as the director of the investment company Coca-Cola Bottling Energy Ltd., he managed the construction of several energy projects in the Republic of Hungary. He was the executive director and member of the Management Board of the company Trast d.d., one of the leading logistics companies in the Republic of Croatia, after which as the President of the Management Board he managed the project for the operative restructuring of the company Mirna, Rovinj.
He came to AD Plastik Group in 2012 as a general director of the company ZAO PHR (today AO AD Plastik Togliatti) in Russia. He was appointed President of the Management Board in 2015.
He is specialized in change management and crisis management.

Mladen Peros

Mladen Peroš

Member of the Management Board for Sales and Engineering

He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb, orientation Engines and Motor Vehicles. He began his business career as a construction engineer at the Department of Research & Development at the company Končar EVA in Zagreb. In June 1999, he joined the team of AD Plastik as a construction engineer at the Department of Construction. His career within the company advanced quickly. He soonly became a project manager, director of construction, director of development, assistant to the member of the Management Board for commerce and development, and member of the Management Board for commerce and development. During that period he spent significant time in Russia developing the market and launching newly formed companies. From July 2012 to February 2015 he was President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group, after which he has been working as member of the Management Board.


Josip Divić

Member of the Management Board for Finance, Controlling, Accounting and IT

He was born in Imotski, and he earned a master’s degree in economics at the Faculty of Economics in Split. He started his career as a controlling coordinator in AD Plastik, controlling the business operations of affiliated companies in Romania and Serbia. Subsequently he spent four years in Russia, conducting financial control of the business operations of the subsidiary company AD Plastik Togliatti. Upon his return, he was promoted to the position of finance director and was in charge of managing the cash flows and financial risks of the entire group as well as the treasury management of the parent company. He participated in several due diligence processes and managed investments and relations with investors.
Thanks to many years of work experience in the automotive industry and knowledge of various market opportunities, he is a member of the supervisory boards of AD Plastik Group’s subsidiary companies in Hungary and Russia, as well as the affiliated company in Romania.

Korporativno En

Corporate governance

The structure of AD Plastik Group’s corporate governance is based on a dualist system consisting of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The four key functions of the Company are constituted by the Management Board, Supervisory Board, General Assembly and the Audit Committee.

Members of the Supervisory Board
Ivica Tolić President
Bože Plazibat Vice President
Ivka Bogdan member
Katija Klepo member
Igor Anatolyevich Solomatin member
Alina Viktorovna Koretskaya member
Andjelka Čulo member

Supervisory Board

The conduct of the Company’s business, including the review and examination of business records and company's documentation, is supervised by the Supervisory Board and reported to the General Assembly.

General Assembly

In the operation of the joint-stock company the shareholders exercise their rights at the General Assembly.

The General Assembly is competent for making decisions on the following issues: electing and removal from office of Supervisory Board members, use of profit, granting clearance to Management Board and Supervisory Board members, appointing auditors, amending the Charter, increasing or reducing share capital and on other issues under its responsibility as regulated by law.

Audit Committee
Ivica Tolić President
Alina Viktorovna Koretskaya member
Igor Anatolyevich Solomatin member
Bože Plazibat member

Supervisory Board Committees

The Supervisory Board Committees support its work by preparing the decisions made by the Supervisory Board and supervising their implementation.

Remuneration Committee
Ana Luketin President
Igor Anatolyevich Solomatin member
Ivica Tolić member
Appointment Committee
Ivica Tolić President
Nenad Škomrlj member
Igor Anatolyevich Solomatin member
