Your needs. Our drive.
Your needs. Our drive.
Osobnim podacima smatraju se vaši identifikacijski podaci koji inače nisu javno dostupni - ime i prezime, e-mail adresa, kućna adresa, broj telefona, podaci o datumu, godini i mjestu rođenja, obrazovanju i dosadašnjem radu i ostali podaci potrebni za prijavu na natječaj za zapošljavanje. AD Plastik Grupa obvezuje se kako će vaše osobne podatke koristiti isključivo u identifikacijske svrhe i razmatranje prijave za zapošljavanje. Čuvat će ih u tajnosti, neće ih distribuirati, objavljivati niti ih na bilo koji drugi način učiniti dostupnima bilo kojoj trećoj osobi bez vaše prethodne suglasnosti. Obilježavanjem označenog polja, dajete punovažan pristanak da se vaši prikupljeni podaci mogu obrađivati u svrhu selekcije i regrutacije za otvorena radna mjesta te čuvanje u bazi podataka AD Plastik Grupe u trajanju od 12 mjeseci. Ovaj pristanak u svakom trenutku možete opozvati u pismenoj formi putem maila nakon čega će svaka daljnja obrada vaših osobnih podataka biti obustavljena.
as of 30.09.2024
Data presented is valid for the previous trading day. Data collected from
Publication Schedule for the Financial Statements for the current year is available in the annual report for the previous year and on the company's website. All financial statements and changes are published on the website of the Zagreb Stock Exchange and AD Plastik.
The decision on dividend payment is made at the General Assembly which is held in July each year. The dividend policy of the company is to pay at least 50 percent of the available funds.
The dividend payment will be made on the basis of available data recorded in the depository of the Central Depository Clearing Company Inc. ( The dividend payment account must be registered under the name of the shareholder and the payout account details must be accurate and complete so that payment can be made.
By applying different financial models, analysts estimate the future business of the company and determine its target value. When assessing the company's future business, it is extremely important to have a high level of transparency and quality of management communication.
Any opinions, estimates or forecasts of analysts related to AD Plastik Group's business represent only their opinion, not necessarily opinion, estimates and forecasts of the company or the Management Board.
Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Igor Gvozdanović
Interkapital vrijednosni papiri d.o.o.
Erste&Steiermarkische bank d.d.