British Ambassador in Solin

Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Andrew Stuart Dalgleish visited AD Plastik’s plant in Solin together with colleague Sarin Kalebot from the British Consulate in Split.

Management Board of AD Plastik Group welcomed them and held a short presentation in which they presented the company and demonstrated its plants. As relations between Great Britain and Croatia have been intensifying in recent years in areas of politics, business, culture and tourism, Ambassador Dalgleish is very much interested in establishing even better and higher-quality economic cooperation between the two countries.

„Automotive industry in Great Britain feels the serious consequences of Brexit and faces great challenges. Nevertheless, Britain is a big and interesting market. Some British manufacturers have opened new capacities in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which is a new opportunity for AD Plastik,” said Member of the Management Board Katija Klepo.