Mladen Peroš Vice President of UIPIK

AD Plastik is a member of Association of Plastics and Rubber Industries, members of which are most significant Croatian companies from the mentioned sector. Member of the AD Plastik’s Management Board for research, development and sales was elected Vice President at the Electoral Assembly of Association for a term of three years.
President of the Association is Josip Grilec from the company Stražaplastik and 16 members of the Council of the Association have been elected at the Assembly. In accordance with the work plan for the next four years, Association will, among other things, continue with activities related to representing interests of all members, strengthening the sector’s competitiveness and creating new value-added by organizing educational workshops and other activities aimed at educating and informing its members. It will promote the industry and Association members in order to create a positive perception of plastics and rubber industry and will continue to cooperate with national institutions and associations as well as with EU institutions and associations.
Plastics and rubber industry has 654 companies registered or 5.6 percent of total registered companies in the processing industry. 88 percent of companies thereof are engaged in processing of plastics and others are engaged in rubber processing. Production of rubber and plastic products in 2014 participated with three percent in the total revenue of the Croatian processing industry.