Support to Croatian Competitiveness Cluster

Ceremony of signing support agreement for Croatian Competitiveness Cluster was held in the AD Plastik factory on Jankomir in Zagreb. AD Plastik was chosen to host this event as the most significant factory in Croatia for the production of automotive components as well as a member of the automotive industry cluster.

This year Ministry of Economy has allocated HRK 2 million for the support for Croatian clusters. There are 12 of them in total and they gather about 500 member companies. While signing, minister Vrdoljak emphasized the importance of clustering that can significantly contribute to the development of the economy.

“Clusters are sources of knowledge and they are important for development and competitiveness of all branches and through them and along with other measures I believe that by 2020 the goals of the industrial strategy can be met and 80,000 new people can be employed in the industry,” emphasized Vrdoljak.

President of AD Plastik’s Management Board Marinko Došen spoke to attendees at the very beginning, introducing the company and supporting clustering by emphasizing: „The content of the automotive industry should be more intensively included in the strategy because it can signifcantly contribute to the development of the economy. Czech Republic and Hungary that currently produce more cars than France or Italy can serve as an example.“