The conference of Purchasing Academy

The conference of the Purchasing Academy held in Zagreb gathered the purchasing experts and leaders of the Croatian companies along with the attendees of the Academy.
Purchasing should serve the development of the company, all speakers attending this conference agreed. As recently, especially after the crisis, purchasing has been given a strategic function, the basic purchasing rules should be known to managers and owners of companies, not just people performing such functions in companies.
One of the participants of the conference was also the AD Plastik’s Operational Purchasing Manager, Denis Miletović, who said that purchasing should be a separate business function in order to achieve the purchasing goals for the benefit of the company. “When purchasing, you have to collaborate with all departments, so everyone involved in this process can equally argue in order to eventually choose the best quality supplier. It should be borne in mind that the suppliers are business partners. I saw this approach in one successful foreign company where all the important managers were involved in the purchasing process. Suppliers have to care about our success and we need to care about theirs,“ Denis Miletović pointed out.
Quality purchasing increases customer satisfaction, generates savings and increases profit. Company’s competitiveness depends on purchasing and the Purchasing Academy provides companies with professional knowledge through operational and strategic purchasing modules and opportunities to improve purchasing.