Business sustainability in the first place

The business results of the AD Plastik Group for the first nine months of 2020 have been published, in which the consequences of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic are evident. Operating revenue of the AD Plastik Group in the reporting period amounted to HRK 841.68 million and it was lower by 23.2 percent compared to the same period last year.
EBITDA of the Group amounted to HRK 108.63 million, being lower by 18.7 percent, while the parent company recorded its growth by 5.7, which was largely influenced by the the sales of non-operating assets and government incentives used. Despite very demanding circumstances, the Group’s net profit amounted to HRK 23.79 million, which was a decrease of 62.8 percent compared to the same period last year.
“Although the impact of the crisis is evident in all markets in which we operate, in the third quarter the indicators and announcements of our customers were somewhat more optimistic. Namely, there was a slight increase in car sales, and our customers announce larger quantities, which will certainly also have a positive impact on our capacities, and therefore the results. New deals sealed worth EUR 106.6 million during this reporting period support the fact that car manufacturers have not stopped their activities and development planning. If customers announcements come true and there are no major surprises, the expected decline in the Group’s operating revenue for 2020 will be about 25 percent,” said Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group.
The financial stability of the Group has been preserved, so net financial debt decreased by HRK 59.9 million compared to the end of last year, or by HRK 54.2 million in the parent company. The NFD/EBITDA ratio was 2.21 for AD Plastik Group and 2.56 for the parent company.
“As the COVID-19 virus pandemic still goes on, our absolute
priorities are employee health and safety protection, as well as business
sustainability and financial stability. We have been taking all necessary
measures and have adjusted our plans, costs and investments to the new
circumstances. The Company’s liquidity and good balance sheet have been ensured,
which will make our business easier in these challenging circumstances,“ said
Marinko Došen.