Deals worth EUR 22.2 million

AD Plastik Group has signed deals with several major car manufacturers, total value of which amounts to EUR 22.2 million.

AD Plastik Group will produce PHEV belt protectors for several vehicles from the PSA Group, and the beginning of production is expected in August 2019. Already at the end of 2017 the start of production of glass run channels, mobile and fixed grab handles for several vehicle models from the PSA Group is expected.

AD Plastik will collaborate with Ford over the next five years on production of wheel arch liners for the redesigned Ford Mondeo that will be produced in Solin. Signing a new deal for Ford Mondeo is interesting because this car is manufactured in Valencia, one of the most distant locations with which AD Plastik collaborates. Serial production is planned for the beginning of 2019.

New deals were also signed for several car models in the Russian subsidiaries of AD Plastik Group. Thus, AD Plastik Togliatti will produce injection-moulded chassis protectors for Renault Logan, Sandero, and VAZ X-ray vehicles, serial production of which is scheduled for the end of 2018.

New deals for production of injection-moulded interior parts for the Ford Kuga vehicle, serial production of which is scheduled for 2020, were also signed. “This deal confirms that AD Plastik Group is the FordSollers’ choice when it comes to injection-moulded interior parts,” said project manager Dragan Buljubašić.

Kaluga has also sealed new deals for the production of injection-moulded cooling fan motor brackets for VW Polo and Škoda Rapid vehicles. The start of serial production is planned in the last quarter of 2019, and the estimated duration of the project is five years.

“This is the largest individual deal signed with Volkswagen in Russia and it shows that we have strengthened our position on the list of their suppliers for injection moulded parts. This is also an excellent opportunity to increase our development competencies,” said Drago Marković, project manager.