Development of new technology of painting automotive interior parts

As part of the conference “Support to the Development of Centers of Competence” held in Zagreb, a ceremony took place where funding decisions were awarded within the public call of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts “Increase of the development of new products and services which supervene from research and development activities”.
AD Plastik was awarded a grant of HRK 19.6 million from the European Union funds for the project for research and development of interior parts painting technology. This makes about 30 percent of the total investment in the research of this technology. The project will last 45 months, and the funds obtained will enable the development of new technology within AD Plastik Group, which will become the generator of sales growth in the medium term.
„The funds obtained mean research and development of the new interior parts painting technology, which will enable the expansion of production capacities in the future, create new jobs, ensure revenue growth through increased exports and competitiveness improvement,” said Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group.
Painting interior plastic parts differs significantly from exterior parts painting, customer requirements are specific and it requires different equipment and procedures. Painting technology in automotive industry is the niche with the highest added value, and it has been present in AD Plastik for 20 years now. Combining the manufacturing process of injection-moulded components and painting ensures a comparative advantage regarding customers.
Prior to the decision to launch a new project, market research showed the presence of customers’ interest and thus the ability to seal new deals. Particularly in the segment of painting smaller interior and exterior parts that are easily packed and whose price can withstand transportation at a greater distance. This project will enable the adoption of interior parts painting technology that ensures entry into the new production painting segment as one of the generators of sales growth in the mid-term period.