New acquisition of AD Plastik Group

AD Plastik Group today became 100% owner of Hungarian company Tisza Automotive Kft., thus achieving key goals of business strategy and medium-term development plan. This acquisition will also ensure further growth of AD Plastik Group and expansion of customer portfolio.
Tisza Automotive is a plastic components manufacturer with more than 15 years of experience in the automotive industry. It is a leading supplier of Suzuki factory in Hungary and, apart from Suzuki, the most important customers are Bentley and Volkswagen, for which the company is a first level supplier. Key technologies of Hungarian factory are injection moulding and blow moulding, which are compatible with existing technologies of AD Plastik Group. Company has more than 400 employees and the land of production halls, warehouses and offices amounts to 22,400 square meters. Tisza Automotive, as a second level supplier, produces for other car manufacturers, therefore Rehau, APCB, Reydel, Hanon Systems, Vernicolor, Mitsuba, Heycoustics and others are on their customer list.
„Potential acquisitions have been discussed and announced for a long time and this is part of our business strategy. Central and Eastern Europe are one of the fastest growing markets in the automotive industry so Tisza Automotive was a logical choice. Their geographical position is very good compared to car manufacturers in that part of Europe, they have experience in the automotive industry and a good customer portfolio and they use and develop the same technologies as we do. After a due diligence of the company, we recognized their further development and growth potential and the positive effects of taking over. With this acquisition, we expand our customer portfolio and create good prerequisites for achieving planned growth of the Group,” said President of the Management Board Marinko Došen.