Deglobalization in action

At the 21st International Conference on Export Promotion, organized by the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), a panel titled “Deglobalization in Action: How the fragmentation of international trade impacts Croatian exports” was held. The panel brought together prominent Croatian industry representatives, including our Management Board President, Mr. Marinko Došen, who spoke about the current challenges and opportunities for export in the global market.

“In recent years, the automotive industry has faced various challenges, which have irreversibly changed certain well-known business models and patterns. The European automotive industry is also facing significantly lower demand for electric vehicles than expected, which is affecting car manufacturers’ plans. Therefore, it is no surprise that the car market is stagnating, but our revenue has increased thanks to the start of serial production of new projects, and we believe that the contracted quantities will be realized,” said Mr. Došen.

In addition to financial success, AD Plastik Group strongly advocates for sustainability through the responsible use of resources to meet the needs of current generations without compromising those of future generations. “Responsible management and sustainable business practices are fundamental principles to positively impact the environment and society,” added Došen.

In addition to our representative, the panel also included Zvonimir Viduka, director of ALTPRO, Eva Usmiani Capobianco from JGL, Gordan Kolak from Končar Elektroindustrija, and Svjetlan Stanić from Stanić Group. The panelists presented their adaptation strategies and discussed the potential of new markets arising from changes in global supply chains. 

AD Plastik Group continues to actively participate in discussions on topics of strategic importance for the Croatian industry, promoting innovation and sustainable solutions that strengthen our competitiveness in the global market.