Award for the greatest progress

As part of the 8th Conference on corporate social responsibility, organized by the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development, CSR Index awards were presented. AD Plastik was awarded with the highest progress award and President of the Management Board Marinko Došen took the award on behalf of the company.

„It is my great pleasure to receive this award because it is a confirmation of the successful implementation of socially responsible practices in our company. This award is also a great responsibility and an incentive to be even better in the future. We are aware of the responsibility towards the community and the environment in which we operate, and just as every individual should strive to live in harmony with nature, so every company should work in harmony with its environment. And that’s what we’re aiming for. We have set very high standards of quality and innovation in our business, but we have also set very high and ambitious goals for corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is a part of our corporate governance, and in the future we will strive to be even better partners to the nature and community we work in,” said Marinko Došen.

The CSR Index is a methodology for assessing responsible practices in business of Croatian companies, created in accordance with similar global methodologies, in the first place Business in the Community CR Index. It has been remodeled as a questionnaire consisting of 119 questions from six core areas of corporate social responsibility. This assessment method enables an objective assessment of corporate social responsibility of companies and a comparison with practices of other companies.

Based on the results obtained by completing the questionnaire, Croatian Chamber of Economy and HR BCSD once a year give the award CSR Index for the successful implementation of corporate social responsibility in the category of small, medium, large and public companies.