The continuous progress of sustainable business

The Integrated Annual Report for 2022 of AD Plastik Group has been published. It contains all important information about the company’s business operations, audited financial statements, and sustainability indicators. This is the sixth Integrated Annual Report of the Group and the tenth jubilee sustainability report, prepared according to GRI standards.

In the reporting period, AD Plastik Group was facing the consequences of the pandemic, i.e. the still present lack of semiconductors in the market, and at the same time it was significantly exposed to the consequences of the new crisis due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the geopolitical situation. The year was marked by inflation, rising prices of materials and energy sources, increasing labor and service costs, which also affected the financial business results.

“There is no doubt that the automotive industry has a clear direction toward sustainability, and we want to provide added value in the market in that segment as well. Reducing the carbon footprint is part of our strategy adopted in the reporting period, and it refers to the period from 2023 to 2030. In it, we have clearly indicated sustainable business as an indispensable part of the strategic approach in all segments. This is one of the most challenging periods in the company’s history, but I am sure that we will once again demonstrate our resilience and continue conducting stable business in the long term. There are still many challenges ahead of us, but preserving financial stability and sustainable business is our priority. Realization of existing projects and expansion of development and production portfolios will strengthen our position as a development supplier in the European market. By improving and developing our internal processes, we want to be ready for the rise of the automotive industry that is sure to come, hopefully in the near future,” said the President of the AD Plastik Group Management Board, Marinko Došen.

Despite an extremely demanding and challenging year, financial stability has been preserved, and sustainable business development has been continued in all segments. In 2022, more than EUR 200 million of new deals for the European market were sealed, which is a good basis for the company’s development in the future. In the second part of the year, the situation gradually stabilized, the number of newly registered vehicles increased, the prices of energy sources and basic materials stabilized to some extent, so by harmonizing prices with customers and starting new projects, profitability growth is expected in the coming periods.

“Although AD Plastik Group is a company that produces plastic parts for the automotive industry, which, considering the nature of the activity, at first glance may seem like a production that cannot have a positive impact on the environment, it should be emphasized that precisely the increase in the share of plastic parts in vehicles has a positive effect on the performance of the vehicles, because by reducing the weight, energy sources consumption is also reduced, resulting in lighter vehicles with a lower impact on the environment. In addition to the development of new plastic vehicle components, AD Plastik Group continuously develops new materials from bioplastics, which are obtained from renewable plant materials, which are becoming increasingly represented in products of the company. We are already used to a consistent following of the GRI guidelines when reporting and to reports that are rich in useful and clearly presented information. What is especially pleasing is that in the reports we can read the continuous progress in the company’s contribution to sustainable development, which is noticeable even in years of hindered business, which was certainly the year of this report,” it is stated, among other things, in the HR BCSD opinion, which verifies the non-financial part of the company’s report.