AD Plastik in the Prime market

As of today AD Plastik has been officially included in the Prime Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. The agreement was signed by Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik and Ivana Gažić, President of the Management Board of the Zagreb Stock Exchange.

On this occasion, Marinko Došen said: „It is an extraordinary honor to be among the first companies listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange’s Prime Market. AD Plastik has been achieving very good business results and in the last few years we have made great efforts in order to achieve the desired progress in reporting and informing the investment public. Our primary goal is to reach a high level of transparency of communication with shareholders, as well as with other company’s stakeholders, for the purpose of timely and accurate informing about all key company activities and results arising from them. Our work and progress have been recognized by experts and the general public, as evidenced by numerous acknowledgements and awards we have been receiving. This is a great incentive, but also a responsibility for the future. By moving to the prestigious, but very demanding Prime Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, we would like to contribute to enhancing transparency and corporate governance as well as developing the overall capital market in Croatia through our example.”

Congratulating AD Plastik, Ivana Gažić pointed out: „We are extremely pleased to see AD Plastik in the Prime Market, the most demanding market segment of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, on which companies with the highest level of transparency and corporate governance are listed. AD Plastik is among the first companies that decided to join this prestigious market segment and we are pleased to continue to work together on raising the level of transparency, thus providing a positive example for the entire market. “