Once again the best exporter to Slovenia

As part of the Croatian Exporters Convention, which was held this year under the title Export as a Generator of Growth and Development of the Republic of Croatia, the Golden Key Award was traditionally awarded. AD Plastik received the Golden Key Award once again as the best exporter to the Slovenian market.
„For several years in a row now, AD Plastik has been winning the Golden Key award, which is another in the series of confirmation of our success. Slovenia is an extremely important market for us considering that Renault’s plant Revoz, one of our biggest customers, is located there,. With regard to the new deals sealed with Revoz, further growth is expected in this market,” said Sanja Biočić, Member of the Management Board, while receiving the award.
Among other things, the convention emphasized that of all Croatian companies, 15 percent are exporters employing 51 percent of all workers and accounting for 75 percent of total profits. The Declaration of Croatian Exporters 2018 states that exporters advocate for the application of new technologies, noting that it depends not only on entrepreneurs but also on combining economic policy measures in the field of industrial development, innovation, infrastructure and education.
President of the Croatian Exporters Association Darinko Bago on that occasion said that exporters are the best part of the economy, and as such they may be the only basis for quality changes.