Record numbers in business achieved

Integrated Annual Report of AD Plastik Group for 2018 confirms that it was the year of record revenue and net profit of the company. Operating revenue amounting to HRK 1.3 billion has been realized in the reporting period at the Group’s level, representing a growth of 21.2 percent compared to the 2017. Group’s net profit amounted to a record HRK 89.32 million, representing a growth of 27.23 percent compared to the previous year. Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) have recorded slighter growth compared to the previous year and amounted to HRK 161.73 million.
„Record operating revenue and net profit achieved certainly give us reason for satisfaction, but a demanding year with the start of the serial production regarding large deals sealed for which preparation was made namely in 2018 is ahead of us. The year was also greatly marked by the purchase of the Hungarian company Tisza Automotive, which provides us with further growth and development in one of the fastest growing autoindustry markets,” said Marinko Došen, President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group.
Significantly more favorable net financial result has been achieved compared to the previous year and financial position has remained very stable, although it somewhat changed due to acquisition of Tisza Automotive. Results confirm that such trend can be expected in the future.
„Apart from good results achieved, new deals worth EUR 136 million sealed in the observed period provide us with additional stability and safety. Based on deals sealed and announcements of our customers, we expect further revenue increment in this year. Significant investments in increasing production capacities at the production sites in Croatia are also ahead of us and we will also implement new sub-technologies that will add value to our existing product portfolio,“ said Marinko Došen.
Financial results, social, environmental and economic impacts, management, impact of material activities on company results and business risks management are presented in the integrated report in a detailed and thorough way. Through a quality overview of financial and non-financial indicators of the business, we improve our transparency and contribute to the trust of our stakeholders, thus Sustainability Report of the company is an integral part of the Integrated Annual Report.
With this kind of reporting AD Plastik Group aims to provide a better understanding of the industry in which it operates, business opportunities, business strategy, corporate culture and increment of company’s value.„Financial results are the most important indicator in the business of every company, but its success is also manifested through quality and structured management of social and environmental issues. We have been achieving a great progress in that segment, thus providing added value to all our shareholders,“ said Marinko Došen.