Corporate Governance Excellence Award

AD Plastik has been recognized as one of the most successful companies regarding corporate governance in Croatia and it has won a corporate governance excellence award. As part of the second business conference Corporate governance in Croatia, corporate governance excellence awards have been given for the first time to joint stock companies. The awards were given by a weekly magazine Lider and Governance Research and Development Centre and are based on an analysis of the results of all joint stock companies in the regular and official market of Zagreb Stock Exchange. Based on the submitted questionnaries and according to the SEECGAN methodology, assessment of corporate governance is defined.
The conference is dedicated to the important issues of corporate governance and its role in the business of trading companies and the main goal is to warn about the need and the possibilities of improving the system and practice of corporate governance in Croatia. President of the Managament Board of the AD Plastik Group Marinko Došen participated in the round table on the topic „First-rate corporate governance in Croatia – experiences of the best joint stock companies“.
„Corporate governance is extremely important for achieving top business results, as setting high standards of corporate governance and business transparency facilitates access to capital at lower costs. By means of responsible management and control over business and management functions, interests of the shareholders and all other stakeholders are protected, which represents a benefit of good corporate practice. Good corporate governance pratice is extremely important for us, especially if we take into consideration that we conduct business on several locations in several different countries. By conducting a business in accordance with the applicable regulations of the countries in which we operate, meeting the highest standards regarding organization of business and the application of modern business principles, applying and incorporating recognized international guidelines, the prerequisites for making legitimate, reponsible and optimal business decisions are fulfilled“, said Marinko Došen.
Apart from AD Plastik, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Hrvatski telekom, Končar elektroindustrija, MIV – Metalska industrija Varaždin have also won the awards and excellence awards were also given to Podravska banka, PIK rijeka and Optima telekom. Award for the best practice of corporate governance in Croatia was given to the Atlantic Group.