CSR Index award in the category of large companies

AD Plastik received the CSR Index award in the category of large companies which was presented jointly by the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) and the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development (HR BCSD) for the successful implementation of corporate social responsibility.
The award was taken over by the President of the Management Board Marinko Došen on behalf of the company, who on that occasion did not hide his great satisfaction with the fact that work and progress in the area of corporate socially responsibility have been recognized by the expert public. „Corporate social responsibility is a part of our corporate culture and management, and the standards that we have set are at high levels. Responsible business is not just a question of choice, it is the obligation of a modern and successful business,“ Marinko Došen pointed out.
CSR Index is one of the most prestigious awards in Croatia in the domain of corporate social responsibility and it is awarded annually in the categories of small, medium, large and public companies. The awards were presented within the jubilee 10th Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility that was held in Zagreb. CSR Index is a methodology for evaluating the corporate social responsibility practices of Croatian companies, based on a ranking system that enables an objective assessment of socially responsible practices of the companies and comparison with the practices of other companies.
„Companies that we reward through the CSR Index are the leaders of progress in the economy and society by giving their example and incorporating socially responsible practices into their business strategies. Our further common challenge at the national level is to harmonize policies, strategic and plan documents with the goals of sustainable development,“ pointed out Tomislav Radoš, vice president of the Croatian Chamber of Economy for Industry and Energetics, handing over the award.