Green Frog Award for Human Rights Reporting

With its Sustainability Report, AD Plastik Group found itself among the top five companies at the regional level and received a special acknowledgment for human rights reporting, which was given to the company in Warsaw within CSR Fair.
„This is another one in a series of acknowledgments for achieved results and progress in the area of corporate social responsibility. We have been making great efforts and investing resources in improvement and perfection of our sustainable business and this is a prerequisite for success in the modern business world. Our choice is to constantly evolve in this direction and we are proud that the professional and wide public recognizes this. We are particularly pleased to see our reporting on human rights recognized at the regional level, but our sustainability report is only a sublimated annual review of everything we do everyday and live within our company,” said President of the Management Board of AD Plastik Group on that occasion.
AD Plastik Group has been preparing sustainability reports since 2012, and this is the second time that it has competed for the Green Frog Award at the local and for the first time at a regional level. The Jury singled out sustainable development report of AD Plastik Group due to the special focus on human rights, which are a key element of good practice in the organization. Five countries have participated in the competition: Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Hungary with a total of 69 reports out of which 12 was included in the regional level and five got to the finals of Green Frog Award.
The Green Frog Award was first awarded in Hungary in 2000, organized by Deloitte Hungary. Since then, it has been expanding to other countries in Central Europe, and since 2015 the award has been also granted at a regional level.