Sustainability Report 2015 published

AD Plastik Group has published third Sustainability Report for the year 2015 on its website and in such a manner it began reporting according to GRI G4 guidelines. Since this year, AD Plastik has begun to report in one-year cycles, as opposed to the former two-year cycles. For the first time, verification of content from an external specialized agency was requested, Commission of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development gave more accurate opinion about the content of the Report.
„With its contemporary approach and design, third Sustainability Report of AD Plastik Group has met the purpose of non-financial reporting, which is to understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders regarding information and to present the non-financial impact of companies in accordance with their needs,“ says HR BCSD Commission opinion expert.
Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of corporate business and behavior in the AD Plastik Group, but it is also a tool that helps manage risks and assess the business environment in a better way. Experiences of the companies that apply corporate social responsibilityy show that they are more successful. They have more satisfied employees, business partners and the social community, and by taking care of the environment and people’s health they reduce the risks of possible crisis situations, provide better ratings in the business and social community and so on. The importance of corporate social responsibility has been recognized all over the world and the EU has also introduced a legal obligation for large companies to publish non-financial reports from the beginning of next year – for the AD Plastik Group it will be just a continuation of the ongoing reporting.