Every good company can be a hunter and a prey

Business acquisitions, mergers and sales across the world reached over USD 3.5 trillion in 2017, this is the information stated at the Conference M&A mergers and acquisitions as a function of growth and development. The conference was organized by the business weekly Lider and the leading Croatian M&A advisory firm Caper, a member of Oaklins.
„AD Plastik operates in nineteen countries around the world, focusing on the western part of Europe. Our most recent acquisition took place in Hungary where we bought a company that manufactures parts for Suzuki and Bentley, which are the customers we have not had in our portfolio so far. Automotive industry is like a family. It is difficult to enter, but you have to make a big mistake to go out,” said conference participant Hrvoje Jurišić, Executive Director for Research and Development of AD Plastik on that occasion.
The consultant company Caper, among other things, came to the conclusion that today every healthy company is a fair prey for takeover, and any bigger competitor or partner can turn over the night into a legitimate hunter. Capital is favorable, healthy private companies have been growing, and the business environment is still positive. These facts have been identified by research, and they were presented at the first Croatian conference devoted to mergers and acquisitions.
In addition to the usual drivers of M&A activities such as securing over-growth, acquiring new technologies, knowledge or markets, one of the most important drivers recently have been the changes caused by rapid technological innovations. They seriously hamper the business models of market leaders with traditional business models.